Do you like to start your day with a cup of coffee? If so, how many calories are in that cup? The number of calories in coffee can vary depending on the type of coffee and the ingredients that are added. In this blog post, we will discuss how many calories are in a typical cup of coffee with cream. We will also provide some tips for reducing the number of calories in your morning cup of joe!

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About Coffee

The Coffea genus is native to tropical Africa, Madagascar, Comoros, Mauritius, and Réunion in the Indian Ocean.

Coffee is consumed all over the world and is the second most traded commodity in the world, behind only crude oil.

The caffeine content in coffee can vary depending on the type of bean, the roasting process, and the brewing method. A typical cup of coffee contains 95-200 mg of caffeine.

Nutritional Content Of Coffee

A cup of black coffee without any added cream or sugar has very few calories. A cup of black coffee only has about two calories.

Coffee contains:

– Antioxidants: These are nutrients that help to protect your cells from damage.

– Caffeine: As we mentioned above, the caffeine content in coffee can vary.

– Minerals: Coffee is a good source of magnesium, potassium, and niacin.

– Vitamins: Coffee also contains vitamins B12, Biotin, and Pantothenic acid.

How Many Calories In A Cup Of Coffee With Cream?

how many calories in a cup of coffee with cream

Now that we know a little bit about the nutritional content of coffee drinks, let’s discuss how many calories are in a cup of plain coffee with cream. A typical cup of coffee with one tablespoon of whole milk and one tablespoon of sugar has about 100 calories. If you add two tablespoons of half and half, the caloric content increases to about 120 calories.

So, how can you reduce the number of calories in your cup of coffee? Here are a few tips:

Use Almond Milk

Almond milk is a great alternative to whole milk or half and half. It has a similar consistency to cow’s milk, but it is lower in calories. One cup of almond milk has about 60 calories, whereas one cup of whole milk has about 150 calories.

Add Spice

Spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla extract can add flavor to your coffee without adding calories.

Use A Sugar Substitute

If you want to sweeten your coffee but don’t want to add sugar, you can use a sugar substitute such as stevia or Splenda. These substitutes are much lower in calories than sugar.

Drink black coffee or espresso

If you are trying to cut back on calories, it is best to stick to black coffee or espresso. These types of coffee do not have any added cream or sugar and are very low in calories.

Calories In Coffee With Sweeteners

Now that we’ve discussed how to reduce the number of calories in your cup of coffee, let’s talk about how many calories are in coffee with some common sweeteners.

– One packet of sugar has about 23 calories.

– One tablespoon of honey has about 64 calories.

– One tablespoon of corn syrup has about 52 calories.

– One tablespoon of maple syrup has about 54 calories.

As you can see, there are a variety of ways to sweeten your coffee. Some sweeteners have more calories than others. If you are trying to cut back on calories, it is best to use a sugar substitute or honey.

Health Benefits Of Coffee

In addition to being low in calories, coffee has several health benefits:

Boosts Energy Levels

Coffee can help to boost your energy levels. This is due to the caffeine content. Caffeine works by blocking adenosine, a molecule that makes you feel tired.


Coffee can also help to improve your alertness and focus. Coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. This can help you to feel more awake and focused.

Weight Loss

Coffee can also help with weight loss. Coffee contains caffeine, which is a thermogenic substance. This means that it helps to increase your metabolism. One study showed that coffee can boost your metabolism by up to 11%.

Reduces Risk Of Cancer

Coffee may also help to reduce your risk of cancer. Coffee contains antioxidants, which can help to protect your cells from damage. One study showed that coffee drinkers had a lower risk of developing skin cancer.

Reduces Risk Of stroke

Drinking coffee may also help to reduce your risk of stroke.

Reduces Inflammation

Coffee can also help to reduce inflammation. This is due to the fact that coffee contains antioxidants. Antioxidants work by reducing inflammation.


So, there you have it! Coffee is not only low in calories, but it also has several health benefits. If you are trying to cut back on calories, try drinking black coffee or espresso. You can also add a sugar substitute or honey to sweeten your coffee without adding calories. Thanks for reading! I hope this was informative.